Dealing with Completion and Extension Surveys in the PLSS (Morning) Where the Manual is Silent (Afternoon) Friday, September 27, 2024
Agenda: Morning Session (8AM-12:00PM): This class shows the importance of the record and lotting on the plats to determine where one might have double corners, bearing breaks, and other phenomena reserved for the township not surveyed all at the same time. This course features real examples from most western states.
Lunch (12:00PM-1:00PM) Afternoon Session (1:00PM-5:00PM): A half-day course that expands on a number of topics never addressed by GLO or BLM in retracement issues in the PLSS. This course goes into the details of what we need to consider to still be within the scope of the law, as well as what we need to document to show our peers why we did what we did. Examples: Lost corners in section subs, multiple WCs at a section corner, and why the Grant Boundary Method will not work for many non-rectangular entities. A Presentation byDennis Mouland, PLS
$50 for Students, $100 for Members, $150 for non-Members
$20 Lunch from Waltzing Kangaroo* featuring gourmet Aussie meat pies, whirled peas and mashed potatoes. Includes drinks and dessert.
Dennis is a professional surveyor in Arizona and Colorado. He recently retired his licenses in New Mexico and California. He has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Organizational Management and has been in the surveying profession since 1972 (52 years). His experience is evenly split between the private sector, including his own surveying firm, and federal government employment.
Dennis has been an instructor and course manager for the BLM/Forest Service “Advanced Cadastral School” and served as the National Cadastral Training Coordinator for BLM in Phoenix, AZ for over 6 years. In that position he developed the Certified Federal Surveyors Program for the Department of the Interior. In addition to having over 100 technical articles published in the U.S. and Canada, Dennis is a contributing author to the textbook “The Surveying Handbook” and authored “Ethics for the Professional Surveyor” in 1996, with a second edition published in 2021. He is also the author of the textbook “Public Lands Retracements in the 21st Century” in 2020. He has conducted seminars for the surveying and real estate professions since 1984 which have included over 225,000 students to date.
PLSC (Colorado) awarded Dennis with a lifetime membership in 1998 and APLS (Arizona) gave him a lifetime achievement award in 2005. Also in 2005, he was named one of the top 25 surveyors in the country in the previous 25 years by Professional Surveyor magazine.
Dennis has taught boundary law subjects in higher education institutions since 1995 including at the University of Wyoming, Metro State University of Denver and Oklahoma State University. He lives near Denver, Colorado.
Larimer County (and virtual) Carter Lake Room 150 200 W Oak St Fort Collins, CO 80521